Art education
- NRO Review research into artistic orientation in primary education. Commissioned by the Education Inspectorate and under the supervision of Folkert Haanstra, the Art Education lectorate of the AHK conducted a review study into what works (which factors can be influenced) in artistic orientation in primary education: visual arts, dance, drama/theatre, music, creativity, collaboration, and interdisciplinarity. I wrote the part about music education.
- 4CO Teaching in art education. An evaluating study of the 4CO Teaching module for students of the AHK and Pabo HVA in the disciplines of dance, theater and visual arts.
- Design research ‘assessment in the arts’. Developing a digital self-assessment tool for secondary education, based on the practice of band play, to support the musical communication of players in small instrumental ensembles. http: //
- Design research MTE co-teaching; The aim of the research is to investigate if and how a collaboration form co-teaching, based on an equal commitment from the group teacher and the music teacher, can increase the sustainability of music education according to the MTE approach in music learning.
- Development research LOVS; looking for a workable and recognizable form of a pupil follow-up system for the approach in music learning MTE.
- Three-year evaluation study of the pilot years of the approach in music learning music for primary education at Aslan Music Center, this is published by the AHK Art and Culture Education lectorate.
- “Bewogen Muziek”, a evaluation of the project “Muzisch Actief Plus” which focuses on art activities with elderly people in day care combining music, play and movement.
Policy Evaluation and Advice
• Needs assessment for cultural education in secondary education in Rotterdam: mapping the wishes and needs from secondary education schools and advising the KC-R to improve the deployment and the supply from the Rotterdam cultural institutions in cultural education.
• Inventory of music education in secondary education in Amsterdam.
• Monitoring of the music education pilot in Amsterdam’s primary education. Evaluation of the role of “Music education expert”; the capacity, both financially and time investment of the cooperating schools and the proposal of the cooperating Amuze partners.
• Quartermaster for Dutch Council for Refugees, for the project “Integration in harmony”. Realizing a draft project plan that aims at music education for asylum seekers’ children, and at the same time aims to establish a connection with regional orchestras, local music providers and conservatories.